Take care of accessible pathways and public transport, so disabled ppl won't have to use cars as the only option.
Trying not to get reactive here, but the phrasing makes it had. I DO support the suggestion of maintaining accessible pathways. I DON'T support the notion of disabled people not using cars. Disability is a BIGGER reason for needing cars. It's hard to get support, run errands, attend appointments, and do other essentials via public transport - often 2-3x travel time each way, plus walking distance. Prioritise parking for disabled + young families, leave public transport for healthier singles.
Its investment for the future.
It's important not to be dependant on cars only. At the moment many pathways and bus stations in bennalong are not accessible, so cars are the only option to get to places even if they are 500 m away from the house.
Disabled people should be able to use the public walking pathway and public transport and not rely only on cars.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation